In România, the local administration has the legal obligation to create the premises for increasing the standard of living of the population, but it does not have the possibility of being directly involved in economic growth.
In order to know the situation directly, since 2003 several local advisory councils (AC) have been set up. A strong mechanism regarding the public consultation and involvement of citizens & stakeholders into the local projects and activities, entrepreneurial life included:
• 20 Neighbourhoods AC (2003, August)
• 1 Youth AC (2013, April)
• 1 Ethnic Minorities AC (2014, March)
The citizens & stakeholders civic engaged are one of the best connoisseurs concerning the elements of local heritage, about the local history, typical traditions and values.
The members of the Timișoara Municipality AC are very active.
Besides these methods of probe the general public’s opinion, the permanent relationship of the Municipality of Timișoara with the advisory councils & civil society will also contribute to improving the partnership between the Municipality and the citizens and their associations, as well as identifying new opportunities.
For more information, visit
Ovidiu Simonetti
As in the whole Europe, in Romania too, exist a strong intention to involve citizens into local civic life.
Considering the Municipality of Timișoara, this intention is materialized through the activity of Mr. Ovidiu Simonetti, the person who manages the activity of the local advisory councils and the relationship with the civil society.
At the same time, through the European openness, several civic consultation and involvement projects are ongoing.