On March 21st the TraCCE partners gathered for the hybrid meeting in #Munich! The project meeting was hosted by the Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences (MUAS) and the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship gGmbH (SCE).
The session included a thorough presentation and discussion of all the modules created within the context of the project. The partners in #MUAS presented the already developed Virtual Learning Environment (#VLE) which was offered to all the partners for an interactive showcase experience.
As a part of the Intellectual Output 2 (IO2), our partners from #incorporate_future_KG recapped the framework for the C1 workshop which will take place in Romania next autumn. The partners have also discussed the upcoming C2 workshop that will be held physically in Greece during the summer of 2022.
During the session, the South-East European Research Centre (SEERC) partners have also presented the progress of the Train the Trainers Toolkit (TTT) and discussed the updates for the case studies that will be used in the final content to be delivered.
with – West University of Timisoara, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Primăria Municipiului Timișoara, Sabine Varetza-Pekarz, Vlad Mihaescu, PhD, Despina Ungureanu, Anke Middendorf, Dr. Audrey Stolze, Mihai Lisetchi, Nicolae Aurelian Bibu, Adrian Solomon, Anastasios Ntabizas, Efthalia Kallia.
Stay tuned for more updates from the TraCCE project!